Former BBBs hated the work the agency did and the issue became a topic behind the scenes and in WhatsApp groups. With millions of followers on the networks, the “new celebrities” cannot secure jobs on their own and do not get work from the agency.
Brand representatives are communicating directly with former BBBs, and are advised to contact Globo and complain about being ignored by the broadcasting agency. They are all completely unsatisfied.
The column spoke to some professionals who contacted the agency and received no response. According to the column's survey, only Beatrice and Fernanda have already done advertising work with the Globo agency.
Duffy, who has more than 10 million followers, has been approached by brands and is unable to secure jobs. According to sources, the BBB 24 hero did not get an extra penny for recording his documentary. All this was already expected in the initial contract.
Globo has already referred to previous BBBs who have raised interest in renewing the contract. However, instead of celebrating, the former participants split up. If they accept a renewal – considering a chance in a TV series, for example – they will have to follow advertising rules imposed by the broadcaster and will receive only a starting salary (about R$4,000). On the other hand, if they refuse to renew, they fear the station will close in the future.
The same drama experienced by former BBBs is now also faced by Globo presenters. According to the sources, the broadcaster tested the advertising agency with some of the names that run the entertainment agency, but the lack of capabilities sparked a major internal complaint. Presenters who initially signed with VIU have now left and gone to other agencies.