London, 12 July. 21/07: 08 pm (ACI) .- British Pro Life Group Right to Life UK Labor MP Diana Johnson announced on Monday, July 5 that she would not propose an amendment that would allow abortion in the UK. To the spokesperson Right to Life UK, Catherine Robinson, “This is a big hit”. Robinson commented that the amendment would remove all current legal protections related to abortion, “many of which protect women.”
If the amendment had been passed, “England and Wales would have been left with the most severe abortion laws in the world,” Robinson said.
Bishop John Sherrington, head of pro-life affairs at the Episcopal Conference in England and Wales, told the newspaper Tablet, On July 6, he “welcomed with satisfaction the fact that a radical amendment beyond the bounds of the bill had been withdrawn.” “This amendment would have removed some of the remaining protections for the fetus and would have allowed voluntary abortions, in addition to removing the objection of the doctors’ conscience,” Bishop commented. The bishop mentioned another amendment.
That same Monday, July 5, Deputy Rupa Hook decided not to submit an amendment that would impose a two-year prison sentence for those who volunteered as an alternative to women outside abortion clinics.
“We should look for efforts to expand access to abortion by passing other bills,” said Bishop Sherington, who is Westminster’s deputy bishop.
More than 800 medical professionals have signed an open letter calling for Johnson to withdraw the amendment allowing abortion.
“As health professionals, we are responsible for caring for women and their children during pregnancy and childbirth, when needed. It will be very difficult for us to work in a health service where the lives of these children end for any reason until birth, and the current legal protections surrounding abortion, many of which are to protect women, have been removed, ”they said.
After the amendment is submitted, Right to Life UK He urged his supporters to vote against the text, which would make the 1967 abortion law redundant. After the law was passed, abortion was allowed for up to 28 weeks. In 1990, in the absence of a “significant risk” for disability, the grace period was reduced to 24 weeks.
According to figures released in June, there were recorded abortions in 2020 in England and Wales. There were 210,860 abortions, the highest number since the introduction of the Abortion Act of 1967. Statistics released by the Department of Health and Welfare show that in 2020 there were 3,083 abortions due to disability.
Check more:
More than 13,000 abortions have been performed since it was legalized in Ireland in 2019 https://t.co/O3hDXjtped
– ACI Digital (idacidigital) July 12, 2021
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