The British Council is seeking Brazilian organizations to host an LGBT art residency

The British Council is seeking Brazilian organizations to host an LGBT art residency

Until next Saturday 9th October, register for Brazilian organizations Who would like to welcome British LGBTQIA+ artists for a virtual artist residency. The purpose of the program “Artists in Residence” It is to build relationships between British artists and Brazilian organizations.

Within the supplier in the total amount of 65.000.00 Brazilian Real (Sixty-five thousand Brazilian Real) The selected organization must transfer 22,000.00 Brazilian Real (Twenty-two thousand Brazilian Real) to the Brazilian resident. Museums, festivals and cultural centers, for example, can participate, as well as organizations working in the field of science and technology. It is essential that the Brazilian organization has the infrastructure to receive the artist’s residency in the UK.

Interested parties must fill out a appearance Until October 9 at 23:59 (Brasilia time). The digital residency will last for four weeks. The application must be completed in English as the assessment will be conducted by a panel of organizations from the UK and Brazil.

collection program

NS Artists in residence It is one of the actions promoted by collection program, which aims to celebrate diversity and create opportunities for intercultural experiences for artists and LGBTQIA+ organizations.

The initiatives you have planned British Council It aims to increase the visibility of LGBTQIA+ arts and culture. The activities provide a safe space for discussion and promote opportunities in international networks in Brazil, the Americas and the United Kingdom.

The program specifically focuses on young artists (ages 8–36) from vulnerable communities, such as black and Indigenous people, with an emphasis on diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunity.


An open call for Brazilian organizations aiming to host an artistic residency for LGBTQIA+ within the Pluralism Program

Recordings: Until October 9, 2021 at 23:59 (Brasilia time).

To apply, go to Application form Here.
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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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