The car that ran over Kaikeye Brito goes for repair, and the driver thanks the followers Rio de Janeiro

The car that ran over Kaikeye Brito goes for repair, and the driver thanks the followers  Rio de Janeiro
The car that ran over actor Kaike Brito is undergoing repairsReproduction/Instagram

Posted on 16/09/2023 at 10:41

Rio – Dionis Coelho da Silva, the driver who accidentally ran over the actor Kiki Brito, shared social media that his car went to repair on Friday (15). It has opened a campaign to collect donations online with the aim of collecting 30,000 Brazilian riyals, and has already been able to collect more than 180,000 Brazilian riyals and is grateful for the support he received.

“Today I entered the car for repairs. Thank you to everyone who helped me! Without you it was not possible! Thank you.”

The driver revealed that he had received many messages, and on his account on Instagram alone, there are more than 50 thousand that have not been read yet. “I ask for forgiveness. I will gradually respond. I hope to reach everyone. I would like to thank you for everything you have done. For all the support I receive.”

Dions has previously revealed that he would donate part of the donation collection, as the amount collected exceeded the amount stipulated at the beginning. “God has already gave me what I need to start my life again, so what happened or what will happen, I want to flow to people’s lives.”


Actor Kiki Brito, 34, was run over on Saturday (2), while crossing Avenida Lucio Costa Street, between the 6 and 7 stations, in Para Da Tiguka, the western region of Rio, and he was diagnosed with multiple shocks in the body and head shocks . .
The hospital reported this Thursday (14) that Kaiki is under the rehabilitation of the respiratory and motor system. “The Cuba Hospital informs the role that the patient’s condition, Kiki Fernandez Brito, will remain under intensive care. It is currently undergoing the rehabilitation of the respiratory and motor system.”

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"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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