The delegate in the Milton Ribeiro case was accused of abuse of power

The delegate in the Milton Ribeiro case was accused of abuse of power

F concluded that false data had been entered into the investigation against the former Minister of Education

Police Chief Bruno Calandrini was indicted by the Federal Police on charges of abuse of authority. The final report indicates that false statements were included in the investigation into the possible interference, indicated by Calandrini himself, in the corruption case against former Education Minister Milton Ribeiro.

The representative will respond to irregularities, false statements, and abuse of authority. here complete Resolution (PDF – 1.9 MB).

Calandrini was responsible for the operation related to the illegal release of funds of the Ministry of Education, during which the former minister was arrested. But he pointed to interference in the conduct of federal police officers during Ribeiro's arrest.

The National Front report concluded that the intervention provided by the delegate was non-existent. According to the document, Bruno Calandrini had conducted interviews with public administration officials without authorization to investigate their alleged participation in the investigation into corruption in the Ministry of Elections.

Testimonies from João Batista Silva Barbosa, Director of the Prison Administration, Vinícius Araujo de Lima, Federal Police Delegate, Samuelson Yuite Igaki, Secretary of State for Public Administration, and Carlos Olavo Silveira, Director of Intelligence at the SAP (State Secretariat for the Prison Administration), were not to be attached to the investigations.

All four were serving in their positions at the time of the former minister's arrest and, according to Calandrini, would have helped in the release of Milton Ribeiro from prison. The former minister was arrested in June 2022, and was released the next day, when the police chief stated that there was interference in the investigations against the minister. In July, he filed a complaint with the Supreme Federal Court (STF) regarding police corruption and launched an investigation.

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The Federal Police report explained that when there is a need to investigate Federal Police officers for their involvement in crimes, the Police Internal Affairs Office opens a police investigation, informs the Public Prosecutor's Office and appoints a member to monitor the investigation. Calandrini did not respect the process. He would also have kept the investigation confidential. “no need”.

The testimony of Barbosa, Lima, Igaki and Silveira could therefore contain information against Calandrini himself, as it was proven that there was no interference in the investigations, according to the National Front. The delegate in charge of the case, Flavio Vitez Reis, said the hearings were not found in the system.

Understand the issue

Bruno Calandrini was responsible for investigating an alleged corruption case in the government's Ministry of Education Jair Bolsonaro (PL), who took Milton Ribeiro to prison. In June 2022, the delegate asked the Special Task Force to arrest members of the Federal Police Command.

Melton was arrested in June and released the next day by Federal Judge Ni Bello, of TRF-1 (Federal Regional Court for the First District). That's when Calandrini sent messages to his colleagues telling them this had happened “Interference in investigations against Milton”.

According to him, there was different treatment of the former minister at that time.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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