The disease affecting Brazil is spreading to the United States and England

The disease affecting Brazil is spreading to the United States and England

The virus causes a gastrointestinal infection, causing symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, fever and body aches

Carolina Fiorati

5 hours ago

Norovirus: Get to know the disease that hit southern Brazil

Photo: EL Palmer, USCDCP/Pixnio/Playback

Norovirus is one of the leading causes of gastrointestinal infections in the world. According to the WHO (World Health Organization), about 685 million cases of the disease are registered each year, with one-third of those affected being children under the age of five.

The southern part of Brazil was affected by the Noro virus January this yearNew outbreaks are now being reported In America This is UK. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and headache and body aches.

Symptoms appear within 12 to 48 hours of exposure and last for one to three days. Transmission can occur through eating food contaminated with virus particles or through close contact with sick people.

There is no vaccine or cure for the disease. Very common Doctors recommend Consuming large amounts of fluids to avoid dehydration, light food and use of pain relievers and antipyretics when pain and fever are accompanied by pain and fever. In severe cases, the patient may be hospitalized to receive intravenous serum and medication.

Good hand hygiene with soap and water is essential to prevent the spread of the virus. No running off the sink either: gel alcohol is not enough to neutralize the pathogen. Regular cleaning of bedding and surfaces such as tables and doorknobs and washing food before eating is highly recommended.

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Even after symptoms subside, patients should stay at home for another 48 hours to prevent the spread of the virus. It seems obvious, but don’t visit people in hospitals or nursing homes if you have symptoms.

Children should also not go to school. Although the disease is relatively easy to treat, it can put children and the elderly, who are considered more vulnerable, at greater risk.

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