The Embrapa Scientific Publications Portal is accessed in the United States

The Embrapa Scientific Publications Portal is accessed in the United States

The Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) has the fourth largest archive of scientific information in the country, with about 104,000 items with open and free access. Called Alice – Short for Open Access to Scientific Information in Embrapa – This publication records 24.7 million Downloads Since 2011, the year it was created.

Most of these things Downloads (42%, equivalent to 10.3 million files downloaded) made in the United States. The second is 7.5 million Downloads (30.5% of the total) is Brazil. According to Embrapa, there are also large numbers of Downloads These files are from users in Germany, China, Russia and France, as well as the United Kingdom.

Interest in these publications, which can be accessed free of charge, is formed mainly by academics and scholars. The material can be accessed through a Location Available in company page.

Warehouse tracking concept of providing metadata البيانات [marcos ou pontos de referência] By standardized protocols, this metadata is replicated across several Locations”, said researcher from Embrapa Informática Agropecuária Marcos Cezar Visoli. classification From Downloads Led by the US, the researcher said he believes this may be due to the fact that there is a “greater prevalence of Alice metadata in Locations of North American descent.

Publications Portal

In addition to this repository focused on the theoretical field, Embrapa also has a portal for publications that focus more on the practical field, useful for rural producers: Technological Information in Agriculture (Infoica E), where publications with artistic content produced by the Foundation’s research centers, such as the Embrapa series, brochures, books, radio and television programs Prosa Rural and Dia de Campo are available on TV.

According to the company, the language used in Infoteca-e is “prepared for various audiences, such as rural producers, extension workers, agricultural technicians, students and teachers from rural schools, “in order to contribute to the dissemination of technologies and results generated by agricultural research.”

35 million of Downloads Since 2011, 41.7% are from Brazil, and 39.5% are from the United States. “In 2020 alone, nearly 6.5 million posts were downloaded and by mid-2021 3 million issues were downloaded Downloads and 2.5 million inquiries about the digital contents of the repository,” Embrapa explained.

In total, Embrapa’s libraries have more than 165,000 digital items. Most of them are scientific technical products that have been accumulated over several years. In the assessment of the Superintendent of Information Management in the General Secretariat of the Foundation, Fabio Cordero, the archives are “a democratic way to give access to the population of Brazil and the world.”

According to Embrapa, the adoption of standardized international protocols in warehouses makes it possible for these produced materials to also integrate other international databases, such as Agris, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and Agrosavia, from Colombia.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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