the first MG Scientist to join the “Kings” of World Alchemy; he meets

the first MG Scientist to join the “Kings” of World Alchemy;  he meets

Through Cynthia’s work, we are one step closer to knowing about quantum computers Photo: personal archive

The science of Minas Gerais is well known for the work of researcher Cynthia López Martínez Pereira in the field of chemistry. Pereira is the first scientist from Minas Gerais to be recognized as a ‘Fellow’ of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) in the United Kingdom, considered the most important organization dedicated to the advancement of the chemical sciences. Through Cynthia’s work, we’re one step closer to knowing about quantum computers.

The title is awarded to members from around the world who have made outstanding contributions to the field. and 5% of fellows are Nobel laureates. The selected group includes at least 26 Brazilians, 23 men and three women. Cynthia Pereira, in addition to being the first female scientist from the state of Minas Gerais, is also the country’s second black female scholar to join the global academic elite.

“It is a great honor to receive the title. It is a testament to the quality and international importance of the sciences developed in the Brazilian Public and Free University. I do not win alone, UFMG, our Chemistry Department, all research promotion institutions that invest in our sciences also win,” she celebrates.

Who is Cynthia Pereira?

Belo Horizonte, 48, holds a Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), a postdoctoral degree from Pierre-et-Marie Curie University, in Paris, and a visiting scholar (visiting scholar) at the University of California, Berkeley, in United State.

She has already received the UFMG Dissertation Award and first place in the CAPES Dissertation Award, as supervisor. Professor in the Department of Chemistry at UFMG, she contributes to studies in the field of inorganic chemistry, that is, she studies the properties, structures and interactions of compounds in the periodic table.

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Since the end of last year, Cynthia has been a member of the ‘Advisory Board’, the advisory board (translated for free) of the popular scientific journal CrystEngComm, of the Royal Society of Chemistry. And now, in June, a few months after he began contacting the Society, he was made a Fellow.

Quantum computing: Scientists help us get answers faster

The technology of the future can store large amounts of information without overburdening its operation and provide agile responses in an ephemeral amount of time. Scientist Cynthia Pereira is working so you can retire your notebook and usher in the age of quantum computers.

“I am working on designing particles with magnetic properties, which will be future materials for quantum computing. Companies like Google have invested in these probes, because that way we can store more information, in less space and more quickly,” he explains.


For a scientist, taking up a space in the world’s science elite as a researcher means overcoming many barriers. “It’s a collective achievement, yes. But it’s also a response to a tremendous academic effort on my part. As a woman, I find it difficult to get recognition for my work. So, receiving this honor is very important,” he says.

If female researchers are few, black female scholars are even rarer. “I am grateful for the opportunity to represent this segment of women. I hope to set an example for young scientists who dream of having their research recognized, so they know there is room to persist in science and build a better world.”

Explore Cynthia’s work

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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