This Wednesday (13) Interim measure (1,187/2023) Who established the Ministry of Entrepreneurship, Small Enterprises and Small Businesses. The department will be responsible for promoting public policies that benefit small individual entrepreneurs (MEI), as well as small and micro enterprises in the country. The aim is to promote measures that encourage formalization, opening of new enterprises, growth and generation of employment and income.
Currently, small businesses represent 99% of the country’s enterprises, in addition to accounting for about 30% of GDP and generating a monthly average of 80% of formal jobs. Looking at the entire world of small businesses, Brazil has more than 85 million people who benefit directly or indirectly from their operations – a larger number than the populations of countries such as France, the United Kingdom, South Africa, and Argentina.
Sebrae’s president, Decio Lima, celebrated the creation of the new ministry and made the entity fully available for public policy building with the aim of uniting efforts for the benefit of small businesses.
Today is a wonderful day, as the segment of micro-entrepreneurs, small and small businesses has effective access to state policy. They are resilient entrepreneurs who wake up early every day and need to survive, produce and create.
Decio Lima, President of Sebrae Nacional.
The Sebrae brand is already the sixth strongest brand in the country. The organization provides business environments and management tools to small and micro business owners. “It is important to highlight that our Sebrae maintains its historic, independent and independent foundation. Today the city of Sebrae celebrates this action, as small businesses are the main driver of the Brazilian economy. Sebrae is present throughout the national territory among entrepreneurs who rise early and never give up. Long live the owners of small and micro enterprises! Long live the achievement of your ministry! Long live Seabray!”, Celebrate.