“The government should help Haddad,” says the framework rapporteur, after Lula’s objection

“The government should help Haddad,” says the framework rapporteur, after Lula’s objection

In an interview with condition This Thursday (31), Claudio Cajado (photo), who was the rapporteur of the financial framework in the chamber, complained about the right of veto that Lula twice used when approving the new Brazilian fiscal rule.

The president’s veto again allowed expenses to be deducted from the financial result and to delete an extract that “restricts” the investment contingencies, “which tends to give more freedom to the government”The Sao Paulo newspaper wrote. Congress will still be subject to analysis, which may bring them down.

“I cannot agree with these two vetoes. The government will only be able to reduce investment, which is not fair. If the government never wants to think about cutting its spending, then sacrificing investment is not the best option at present.said the People’s Party deputy from Bahia to columnist Roseanne Kennedy.

Kagadu also mentioned that the financial goal “left shaky” By presidential veto and that “The government as a whole needs Fernando Haddad’s help. I think that the Minister of Finance acts in one way and the government in another.”.

Haddad promises a zero fiscal deficit next year, which will be included in the 2024 budget. Analysts, and perhaps Flamengo fans, find it difficult to achieve the goal.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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