The health plan will end up on the brink of bankruptcy and the transition will affect everyone

The health plan will end up on the brink of bankruptcy and the transition will affect everyone

The health plan was on the verge of bankruptcy

Opening a business is not one of the easiest tasks in the world. This is because a series of situations can lead to the end of a major project. This time, for example, we'll talk about a sensitive situation that the health plan had to go through. They were on the verge of bankruptcy, but they made a surprising turnaround.

For those who do not know, we are talking about the setting of the Associates Plan, from the Banco do Brasil (Cassi) Employee Assistance Fund. Over the years, the health plan went through several problems and almost closed its doors for good.

In 2019, Casey went under NNA financial guidance and faced a serious cash problem. To meet the regulatory body's requirements, it needed approximately R$1 billion. Without these resources, the company would have to declare bankruptcy or transfer its customer base to another company.

CASI is one of the health plans that almost declared bankruptcy (Photo: Reproduction/Internet)
CASI is one of the health plans that almost declared bankruptcy (Photo: Reproduction/Internet)

During this difficult period, the health plan had to go through a series of negotiations to get out of the red. The company received assistance from Banco do Brasil and the Group of Indirect Dependents (GDI). The amounts transferred by the two managed to exceed R$1 billion and cover the gap.

The health plan was on the verge of bankruptcy, but it overcame the situation (Photo: Reproduction/Internet)
The health plan was on the verge of bankruptcy, but it overcame the situation (Photo: Reproduction/Internet)

According to Correio Brasiliense, at the time, ANS said it had a long way to go to resolve the issue regarding Cassie. The important thing, as the agency member highlights, is for both sides, the partners and Banco do Brasil, to realize that reaching a good agreement is essential for everyone.

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what happened after that?

The truth is that the health plan actually faced a series of financial problems, but it was able to turn its situation around. According to the Grupo Mais portal, Cassi managed to emerge from the bankruptcy it faced for two years, to a surplus of R$1.141 million in 2020.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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