The largest debt renegotiation exhibition launches: discounts of up to 96%

The largest debt renegotiation exhibition launches: discounts of up to 96%

A new phase of The name is Serasa Limba It started today and runs until March 28 for consumers across the country. In total, there are more than 700 companies participating in this project Debt renegotiation, including water and electricity companies, banks, trade, telephone operators, etc. The aim of the program is to provide special conditions for consumers who want to organize their financial lives.

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As defaults in Brazil grew in January, more than 550 million renegotiation offers became available. Furthermore, Serasa has teamed up with Desenrola Brasil to offer discounts that can reach up to 96% of the debt value. “We have never done a job of this magnitude,” said Pedro Dias Lopez, vice president of Cerasa.

Consumers will be able to access the Serasa Limpa Nome platform until the end of the month to settle their debts. “Everything is huge, that's why we call it Megafeirão, such as the percentage of discounts, the number of companies bundled, the above-average benefits and the number of offers,” added Pedro Dias López.

Brazilian debt rose in January

After two successive reductions in the default map and debt renegotiations at the end of 2023, Brazilians' indebtedness rose again in 2024. To date, 72 million Brazilians are in default, with more than R$271 million of active debt. According to the survey conducted, Rio de Janeiro is the state with the largest number of debtors in the country.

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There are 7.3 million consumers in debt, representing more than half the state's population. In the capital, Rio alone, 2.8 million people are in default on their debts.

How to take advantage of Mega Feirão Serasa and Designrola discounts

To renegotiate debts on special terms, consumers across the country have until the end of March. Renegotiation must take place through location From Serasa Limpa Nome, as well as the Serasa app. For consumers who prefer the service via WhatsApp, simply send a message to (11) 99575–2096 and inquire about Mega Feirão.

Consumers in São Paulo will be able to make renegotiations in person. The event will take place at Palacio dos Correios, located in the capital, São Paulo. The agency will have exclusive funds to conclude agreements, without imposing additional fees or costs during the month of March.

Finally, citizens of other countries can also make renegotiations in person. However, you will need to pay a fee of R$ 4.20 to carry out the operation. To do this, simply go to the post office in the desired municipality and inform you that you wish to make the financial settlement through Desenrola Brasil.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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