The magazine does reveal a very cute nickname Kasia Kiss got behind the scenes

The magazine does reveal a very cute nickname Kasia Kiss got behind the scenes

Cassia Case has amassed some animosities behind the scenes of Travessia, the current 9pm TV series on Globo, after making a series of homophobic comments, positioning herself in favor of military intervention and supporting President Jair Bolsonaro. It seems the offstage climate has really become terminal, proof of which, according to Veja, the actress received an unkind nickname from her co-workers.

Despite being Catholic, “Crazy Pastora” was one of the chosen nicknames and this refers to a meme from the 2000s when a young woman gained fame for actively preaching at evangelical church services.

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It should be noted that Case, as reported by journalist Lucas Pasin, had upset Travisia’s team on the eve of the presidential elections after he called for urgent prayers so that former President Lula would not win the elections.

There are also those who refer to the actress as “Perpétua”, the bitter saint of Tieta, a work by Jorge Amado, which was adapted in 1989 for television.

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"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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