The minimum wage has been set for 2022, but it can still be changed; Understand!

The minimum wage has been set for 2022, but it can still be changed;  Understand!

This week, the news surprised everyone. It turns out that the federal government announced that the minimum wage for 2022 has been set in advance. According to next year’s draft Budget Guidelines bill, the stipulated amount was R $ 1,147. However, the amount may change.

The Ministry of Economy forecast for the National Consumer Price Index (INPC) for this year is 4.27%. Since it is an estimate, the value may change until December. And if it changes, the value of the 2022 minimum wage will also change.

The minimum wage for 2021 is set at R $ 1,100. If the amount is realized in R $ 1,147, we will get an increase of R $ 47. The amount without real increase, that is, the increase in value is only to offset the inflation loss in the period, without a real estimate of the minimum wage.

The Budget Guidelines Act contains foundations for budget approval for the following year and, as a result, provides forecasts of key economic indicators. If the inflation observed at the end of the year differs from expectations, the government may revise the value while processing the budget itself.

According to data from Dieese – Interunion Department of Statistics and Socio-Economic Studies Inter-union, the minimum wage is a reference for at least 50 million people in Brazil, of whom 24 million are beneficiaries of the National Institute of Social Security (INSS).

In addition to the minimum wage for 2022, the government has already set minimum wages for the two years following 2022: 2023 and 2024:

  • 1188 R $ for 2023; e
  • 1,229 BRL in 2024.

These values ​​are only a reference, and can also be changed later.

Evolution of the minimum wage

  • May / 2004: 260.00 BRL
  • May / 2005: 300.00 BRL
  • Apr / 2006: 350.00 BRL
  • Apr / 2007: 380.00 BRL
  • March / 2008: 415.00 BRL
  • February / 2009: 465.00 BRL
  • Janeiro / 2010: 510.00 BRL
  • Janeiro / 2011: 545.00 BRL
  • Janeiro / 2012: 622.00 BRL
  • Janeiro / 2013: 678.00 BRL
  • Janeiro / 2014: 724.00 BRL
  • Janeiro / 2015: 788.00 BRL
  • Janeiro / 2016: R $ 880.00
  • Janeiro / 2017: 937.00 BRL
  • Janeiro / 2018: 954.00 BRL
  • Janeiro / 2019: 998.00 BRL
  • Janeiro / 2020: 1.045.00 BRL
  • Janeiro / 2021: 1.100.00 BRL
  • Janeiro / 2022: R $ 1147.00 – drop
  • Janeiro / 2023: 1,188.00 BRL – drop
  • Janeiro / 2024: R $ 1,229.00 – projection

The new minimum wage has no real increase and only returns the inflation index

In 2019, the government ended the policy of realizing the minimum wage. Thus, the value of the wage is now limited to following the definition of the constitution, which speaks of preserving the purchasing power of the worker.

The real gain from the minimum wage was implemented by Fernando Henrique Cardoso (PSDB) informally, in 1994, shortly after the adoption of the real plan. Labor administrations made this measure official.

With no real gains in the minimum wage, the government achieves a bailout, because an increase in the minimum wage automatically adjusts social security and assistance benefits. For every increase of R $ 1 in the minimum amount, the government increases expenditures by about R $ 315 million annually.

Thus, an increase of R $ 47 billion represents an additional expenditure of around R $ 15 billion.

The minimum wage adjustment also affects public accounts. It turns out that PIS / PASEP Salary Allowance and INSS Benefits use the salary amount as a reference.

Do you know how to calculate the minimum wage?

The value of the minimum wage affects the lives of all Brazilians, right? After all, the amount is used as the basis for rewarding employees, retirees, and retirees … Everyone who has or signed their wallet one day and worked under the CLT system whose wages are affected by changes in salary.

First, the minimum wage was established in the Getúlio Vargas government, in 1936, and it set the minimum (minimum necessary) wages that employers must pay employees. The minimum value is adjusted annually.

In 2021, the minimum wage increased from R $ 1045 to R $ 1,100. Previously, according to the Budgetary Guidelines Act (LDO), which is a document the government submits to Congress to determine expenditures and revenues for the following year – I projected a 2021 value of R $ 1,088.

The value subsequently increased due to higher inflation. In other words, the adjustment is not fixed and several factors are taken into consideration when calculating the minimum wage.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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