The National Bureau of Statistics raises high expectations for hydroelectric reservoirs in the southeast of the country

The National Bureau of Statistics raises high expectations for hydroelectric reservoirs in the southeast of the country

Above average rain helps lakes recover after a year of water crisis

Rene Moreira / Estadao . contentThe Furnas Hydroelectric Plant, in the state of Minas Gerais, is one of the most important power plants in the southeast

the National Electrical System Operator (ONS) The bullish outlook for tanks has been raised Hydroelectric power stations Act southeast/Midwest In January due to the heavy rains that fall in both regions. In the previous week, the National Bureau of Statistics projected that the capacity of the station lakes would be 40%; Now, the forecast is 41.4%, with 6% above average rain for this time of year. In relation to other regional sub-systems, the north 54.7% of the total capacity the Northeast, 75.5% and On thethat undergo drought 35.4%. The forecast of precipitation in the northeast has increased – from 155% of the historical average for the month to 159%; In the North it decreased from 205% to 210% and in the South it decreased from 29% to 27%. However, the power load on the system is expected to decrease by 1.6%. It is important that the condition of the reservoirs is accompanied by the effects it can have on consumers: with less rain in 2021, the government has created a new science for electricity bills, the science of “water crisis”, which has increased the cost of energy.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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