The only Led Zeppelin song to contain a bassline was recorded by Jimmy Page

The only Led Zeppelin song to contain a bassline was recorded by Jimmy Page

Made musical experiments Airship To add different instruments to the daily routine of traditional rock band formation. However, something that never happened was that one member took over another member’s primary function. Well, almost never.

In one of the interviews collected for the book “Light and Shadow: Conversations with Jimmy PageThe guitarist recalled the only time he played guitar instead of John Paul Jones. It was while recording “That’s the Way”, a single from the album “Led Zeppelin III(1970).

“I was doing a lot of overdubs and was excited. John Paul Jones had come home, so I recorded the bass line, too. But that was unusual, believe me. The open tuning gave the track a lot of space, so it was great to fill that track in. And it was a line.” Robert’s hand is exceptional.”

Anyway, Jones participated in the song, playing the mandolin.

“The recording was so much fun because it gave us the opportunity to work with new sound combinations. John played the mandolin and the main variations are done with pedal steel. I didn’t know how to play it like a pro, but I did it my way. And there at the end, when everything opens up, I played a dulcimer”.

Led Zeppelin III

“Led Zeppelin III” reached number one in the US and UK. It has sold over 13 million copies worldwide.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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