Scott Derricksondirector of the first film Dr. Gharibreacting to the release of a new trailer for the sequel Doctor Strange in a multiverse of madness. It should be noted that Derrickson came to work on the sequel, but moved away from the project due to creative differences with Marvel.
“The trailer is great, and of course I’m excited. Love Sam [Raimi, diretor escolhido para substituí-lo]And he was the right man to make this movie, just as he was the right man for me black phone Like my next movie. Everything is okayThe director said on Twitter.
The official summary of Doctor Strange in a multiverse of madness Says: “in a Doctor Strange in a multiverse of madnessFrom Marvel Studios, the MCU unleashes the multiverse and explores its limits like never before. A journey into the unknown with Doctor Strange, who transcends the crazy and dangerous realities of the multiverse to confront a mysterious new enemy with the help of his new and old allies.”
In addition to the return Benedict Cumberbatch As the title character, the cast multiverse Calculated by periods Rachel McAdams, Benedict Wong And Chiwetel Ejioforwho were also in the first Sorcerer Supreme movie. Elizabeth Olsen He reprises the role of Wanda Maximoff / The Scarlet Witch, while Zochitel Gomez He will play the role of America Chavez.
Directed by Al-Rimi from the trilogy evil Dead And Spider Mansequence Dr. Gharib will hit theaters in May 5, 2022.
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