The perfect pre-workout for those who want to lose weight faster.

Choosing the right foods, staying hydrated, and balancing calories are essential steps to improving your training results.

Posted on 07/23/2024 at 11:49

option Try before It makes all the difference when the goal is there. Maximize calorie burning that it Lose weight faster.

What you consume before exercise not only affects your performance, but also your body's ability to do so. Burn calories And fat.

Therefore, understanding the relationship between food and exercise is important for those looking for quick and sustainable results.

When is pre-workout necessary?

According to nutritionist Erika Twasa, in an interview with the VitaTate portal, for those who train in the morning and already eat a full breakfast, such as fruit, bread and eggs, there may be no need for a pre-workout snack.

However, if your workout is scheduled for late afternoon and you haven’t eaten since lunch, it may be helpful to have a snack about a half hour before your workout. “Training fast, in addition to not helping the process, increases your risk of fatigue and injury,” says Erica.

What to eat before exercise to lose weight faster?

The energy needed for physical activity is essential for good performance. The nutritionist points out that “the body’s preferred fuel, which releases energy quickly, is carbohydrates.”

Therefore, consuming a source of carbohydrates before training can significantly improve your performance. Choosing high-quality carbohydrates is essential.

Some of the best options for Pre-workout that helps speed up weight loss Includes:

  • Fresh fruits, such as bananas, papaya, watermelon, and mango
  • Natural juices without added sugar
  • Tubers, such as sweet potatoes, yams, or cassava
  • Dried fruits, such as apricots, prunes, raisins, and dates
  • Toast with cheese or pate
  • whole grain bread


Whole wheat bread with fruit picture – Freebeak

Furthermore, it is essential not to forget about hydration, “because metabolic reactions need an aqueous medium to occur,” says Erika.

Adequate hydration can improve metabolism and contribute to improved performance during exercise.

Beware of extra calories

To achieve the best results, it is essential that calorie consumption does not exceed energy expenditure throughout the day.

“Many people overeat before and after exercise,” warns the nutritionist. “Then the calorie intake equals the energy expenditure, and the results don’t show.”

Therefore, it is essential that a pre-workout snack is part of a balanced eating plan.

Beyond Weight Loss: Focus on Health

Although weight loss is a common goal, Erica stresses that “weight alone does not properly assess weight loss, because weight loss means reducing body fat percentage.”

Weight loss must be accompanied by an effective reduction in body fat, not just fluid. For this reason, the ideal solution is to follow up with qualified specialists.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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