Make money online It has become a common practice among Brazilians. Most of the tools currently offered work as small task apps, which reward users with small amounts of money once they perform simple activities.
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One of these tools has gained prominence among YouTubers and influencers: TrucoGold – The platform that promises to pay R$ 5 during registration and another R$ 20 per day. But knowing the constant dangers of Internet scams, it is possible to trust this application to create a file Additional income?
How does TrucoGold work?
Previously, it should be noted that the application is not enabled for download on Play Store. It currently works on Android phones, but it can be downloaded as apk A file format that Google uses to distribute and install apps.
Once installed, users sign up and access the platform’s game. Whoever gets good grades can exchange points for cash payments. The game is similar to the classic and traditional truco game.
According to YouTubers, when you sign up for the app, a person receives $5 and then starts receiving up to BRL 20 per day via PIX.
Is the app to make money reliable?
Since it is only available as apk file, TrucoGold does not have user ratings or reviews like other apps. However, it is not possible to know whether the platform is actually paying or not, and therefore, whether it is reliable.
Also, when apps don’t have a Play Store security check, for example. This can increase the chances of fraud and headaches for the cell phone owner, which can be hacked and device information stolen.
Therefore, the recommendation is not to use this app and always choose it apps to make money Already known, like tik tok it’s the Kwai.