The Sinovac vaccine works for both UK and South African varieties

The Sinovac vaccine works for both UK and South African varieties

COVID-19 vaccine developed by a Chinese company Sinovac Biotech The company’s Brazilian partner said on Wednesday it would be effective against UK and South African varieties, citing tests conducted in China.

“We have tested this vaccine in English and against South African varieties and we have good results,” said Dimas Kovas, director of the Button Biological Medical Center in Sao Paulo, which has led to local trials of the Chinese vaccine and is supplying drugs to the Ministry of Health in Brazil.

Kovas did not describe the exact efficacy of the vaccine against these strains.

Button is also testing a vaccine called coronavac against the Brazilian variant of the virus that appeared in Manas.

“We will get the results soon and we firmly believe that it will carry out its function,” the director said.

The Bhutan Biomedical Center on Wednesday launched a mass vaccination campaign aimed at vaccinating adults against COVID-19.

The official added that he expects there to be an advantage over other vaccines due to the technology used by Coronavac: an inactive version of a corona virus strain.

The effectiveness of the Chinese vaccine against the Brazilian strain in particular will be of paramount importance to Brazil. The government has received 100 million doses and has made the vaccine a central part of its vaccination campaign.

Last week the Federal Commission for the Protection of Health Risks (COFEPRIS) approved emergency use Synovac vaccine Against COVID-19.

In the Treasury Room of the National Palace, Deputy Secretary of Health Hugo Lopez Cadell pointed out that Mexico already uses five vaccines during a workshop on National Vaccine Policy.

“The canine vaccine has already been listed in the Emergency Use Register, which is similar to the synovial or coronavac vaccine, which contains the vaccine’s brand, Chinese descent, and in both cases differ between different countries where it exists. The study and results are relatively ineffective compared to other vaccines, ”he said.

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About the Author: Morton Obrien

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