The statue in sexy clothes stirs controversy about masculinity in Italy

Statue of Emanuele Stefano dedicated to Spigolatris in Saberi

attributed to him, Getty Images

Illustrative image,

The statue depicts a woman in a dress with her right arm over her breasts.

The bronze statue of a half-naked woman named after a 19th-century poem has sparked a controversy over masculinity in Italy — and women politicians are calling for it to be removed.

Sculpture in the southern city of Sabre in honor of the poem Sabri Mosque (The Breather of Sapri, in free translation), written by Luigi Mercantini in 1857.

The statue depicts a woman in a transparent dress with one arm over her breasts.

Congresswoman Laura Boldrini said the statue was “an insult to women and to the history that it should celebrate.”

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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