The strain of the corona virus found in the UK is spreading rapidly in the United States.

The strain of the corona virus found in the UK is spreading rapidly in the United States.

The strain of the corona virus found in the UK is spreading rapidly in the United States.

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The strain of the corona virus found in the UK is spreading rapidly in the United States.

Telemundo News

Scientists who have studied half a million corona virus tests in the country have concluded that The variant of the virus found in the United Kingdom is spreading rapidly in the United States They estimate that these strain cases double once every 10 days.

New study The strain, known as B.1.1.7, which arrived in the country in late 2020, confirms the predictions of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. May become the dominant variant for March, If it behaves as before.

“Nothing in this document is surprising, but people should see it,” he told the newspaper. The New York Times Christian Anderson, co – author and virologist at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California. “We need to be prepared for this strain to be significant in most parts of the United States by March.”

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According to Dr. Anderson, the P.1.1.7 strain can spread 30% to 40% faster than the most common types. The situation in Florida is particularly worrying, More cases of mutation have been found.

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Dr. Anthony Fossie, a leading epidemiologist in the United States, has warned that if variants of the corona virus found in the United Kingdom, Brazil and South Africa dominate, they could re-infect people already infected. .

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South Africa suspends vaccination with Oxford-Astrogeneca vaccine

South Africa has halted plans to vaccinate its first-line health workers with the Oxford-Astrogenene vaccine, suggesting that a small clinical trial may not be effective in preventing mild and moderate disease of the variant diagnosed in the country.

South Africa Received his first million Last week AstraZeneca was vaccinated and was expected to begin injecting health workers in mid-February. Preliminary results indicate that a vaccine campaign will not work with the Astrogeneca vaccine.

“Astrogenene vaccine appears to be effective against parental strain, but not against variant”South African Health Minister Swaley Mike said. “We have decided to suspend the production of the vaccine … more work is needed,” he added.

About 2,000 people were involved in the study, which has not yet been moderated, most of them young and healthy. The average age of volunteers is 31 years.

“Because the target population is at very low risk, the study did not find protection from moderate and severe illness, hospitalization or death,” Oxford University and the University of Whitewater said in a statement. In Johannesburg.

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Scientists The Astrogeneca vaccine will continue to be tested to see if it works against the variant to prevent death And very serious cases, Mkhize said. Other vaccines are less effective against variability, but have provided better protection against death and serious illness.

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Have been found More than 100 cases of the South African variant in the UK. In an effort to eradicate this variant before it spread widely, authorities launched a massive test campaign and undermined the astrogenic vaccine.

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The UK has the highest corona virus outbreak in Europe More than 112,000 deaths Confirmed, and has landed in the vaccination program faster than the neighboring EU. So far, the UK has vaccinated about 11.5 million people with the first vaccine.

With information from The New York Times Y NBC News.

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