The SUS app now accepts data related to race and social name.

The SUS app now accepts data related to race and social name.

Starting Monday (8), users can declare information about race/color and social name on the site. to request My digital SUS. According to the Ministry of Health, it is also possible to enter information about sexual orientation and gender identity in the registration form at basic health units (UPS).

This measure, according to the Ministry, ensures the integration of all the information edited and self-declared in the National Registry of SUS Users (CadSUS). “Thus, the information declared in the application will be reflected in the systems of the basic health units throughout the country.” The Ministry stressed in a note that the proposal aims to ensure the integrity of the information provided through the Unified Health System (SUS) and improve the mapping of the health conditions of the different groups of society, in addition to enabling specific public policies.


Upon accessing the application, the user will be invited to respond to the self-declaration in the Race/Color field, which must be filled in mandatorily. To edit the field or update the name and social address, you must access the My Profile tab. The user will be directed to the self-declaration record in three areas, where it is possible to correct or add new information to the profile.

To carry out self-declaration, you must have an account with a gold or silver seal of reliability on the portal. If the account is of the bronze level, the application will provide instructions on how to increase the level of security.


At UBS, the sexual orientation and gender identity fields on the registration form are mandatory questions, asked by professionals during care, “in relation to the autonomy of users, who can choose whether or not to answer them,” according to the ministry.

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With the new update, you can choose from seven sexual orientations: heterosexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual, asexual, pansexual and others, as well as seven gender identities: cisgender man, cisgender woman, transgender man, transgender woman, transvestite, non-binary and others. (With information from the Brazilian Agency)

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