Their translated name is bad: Tire fire extinguishers. “Tire extinguishers”, climate activists, drop off SUVs on UK streets and give owners a headache.
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SUVs are the main targets because they are Pollutes more than other cars due to overweight and poor aerodynamics. The team admitted that more than a dozen tires were inflated 3,000 cars have been empty in the UK since March.
The group’s shares are listed in London, Brighton, Manchester, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Sheffield and Cambridge. The police have already warned that they will not tolerate the demonstration, but the group intends to act in many cities.
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Considering that SUVs consume 20% more fuel than the average car due to their size, the aim of the enthusiasts is to warn the world about the problems caused by them. They also claim that in the last 10 years they have already surpassed air traffic and become the second largest cause of the increase in CO2 levels.
They also warn that many cyclists are in danger of running away due to the size of the SUVs. There are no reports of such acts in Brazil yet.
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