PIX will be faster with new features. Find out what to expect from the updates and how they will make your daily transactions easier.
the Pixwhich has already conquered Brazil as the most practical and efficient payment method, is about to undergo an upgrade that promises to make it faster and easier to use. In the coming months, Brazilians will be able to take advantage of new features that will change the way they conduct financial transactions.
Since its launch, PIX has revolutionized the payment system in Brazil. Now, with new applications, PIX is about to become even more integrated into the daily lives of Brazilians, with the inclusion of functions such as contactless payment, which is already widely used with credit and debit cards.
If you're already a PIX fan, you'll love seeing how these new features impact your experience. Next, we'll explore the new features in detail, how they work, and what you can expect from the future of PIX with these updates.
How will PIX become faster and more practical?
The Central Bank is constantly looking for ways to improve PixOne of the main new features is the introduction of Contactless payment.
This technology, already part of the routine of many Brazilians who use cards, will be integrated with PIX, allowing transactions to be carried out faster.
To make a payment, the user will only need to bring his smartphone or other enabled device to a compatible terminal, without having to enter codes or insert cards.
This functionality will be implemented gradually, with the first tests scheduled to begin in November 2024.
This means that Brazilians will soon be able to configure PIX in their digital wallets in the apps on their Android and iOS devices, allowing contactless payments in a simple and secure way.
With this update, PIX will work very similarly to what is already done with contactless cards, but with the advantage of being an integrated solution into the banking system.
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When will new features be available?
Despite initial tests of PIX approx. Starting in 2024, this job is expected to be available to the general public only in 2025.
The Central Bank works in partnership with financial institutions to ensure that implementation is safe and efficient, reduces the risk of fraud and ensures a positive user experience.
When the technology is ready, every user will be able to set up contactless payments directly on their smartphone, customizing limits and other settings to increase security.
What are the challenges and next steps for PIX?
With popularity PixSecurity concerns also arise. Contactless payment, while practical, can increase the risk of fraud, especially in environments where security is not strictly monitored.
The central bank is already aware of these concerns and should soon announce additional measures to ensure that the use of this new functionality is safe for everyone.
Capabilities include setting value limits for contactless transactions and requiring additional authentication in certain cases.
In addition to contactless payment, Central Bank He is also developing other features for Pixwhich should be launched in the coming years.
One such innovation is PIX Automatic, which will allow recurring payments, such as monthly fees and invoices, to be configured automatically.
Although this feature was originally scheduled to launch in 2024, it has been delayed to the second half of 2025, allowing more time for development and rigorous testing.
Another prediction is pix offlinea feature that allows transactions to be made even without an internet connection.
This update will be particularly useful in areas with poor network coverage, allowing transactions to continue to be executed efficiently. However, this function is still in the study stage and is not expected to be released.
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