a The British National Health Service (NHS) announced on Wednesday that it is already eligible to receive the vaccine against Covid-19 for all residents 30 years of age and over.
Those who reached the age of thirty before the first of next July, starting today, can schedule the vaccination at the vaccination center or pharmacy or, alternatively, wait until they are contacted by the National Health Service.
According to the NHS website, people most at risk, such as those who live or work in nursing homes, social and health workers, people with learning disabilities and caregivers of high-risk patients, may already receive a vaccine against the new coronavirus.
“Today, anyone over the age of 30 can get the vaccine. So go there and get the vaccine,” Health Minister Matt Hancock told reporters this morning.
If you are 30 or over, or if you were 30 before July 1, 2021, you can now book your COVID-19 vaccine.
https://t.co/95odTgmvQS pic.twitter.com/UnCcCZWst3
– NHS (NHSuk) May 26, 2021
Also read: In the minute: Vaccination is accelerating across the country; A new genre in Brazil
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