As detailed in the official statement, the guidelines have now been released Schools support banning the use of smartphones throughout the school termincluding during breaks between classes.
British Government He says Actions already taken by schools are yielding good results The new guidelines will allow for a more consistent approach among educational institutions.
The decision puts the British government in line with other countries that have already taken steps to limit the use of smartphones in schools, such as France, Italy or Portugal. The guidelines include several approaches that educational institutions can adopt.
These include, for example, A total smartphone banBut Approaches to requiring students to hand in their cell phones at the end of classes at the beginning of the day.. Schools may allow students to have their cell phones, but with the condition that they not use them.
There are no restrictions on the use of smartphones only by students And there are also guidelines for teachers. Parents should be informed about the steps taken so that they can contact their children through school offices.
However, in a statement to the British press, Geoff Barton, General Secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL). He says The government's latest initiative will not make a big difference because it misses the heart of the problemThat is, young people's access to online sites where they find serious and disturbing content.
Quoted By the BBCThe official recalled that most schools already banned or restricted cell phone use. They argue that the government would do better if it joined forces to hold online platforms accountable.
According to Jeff Barton, activists such as Ian Russell and Beban Kitron argue Banning the use of mobile phones in schools does nothing to make social media and online platforms safer for children and young advance Guardian.
remember that, At the end of last year, the Online Safety Act officially became law in the UK. The law brings in new rules against illegal content, online fraud and the sharing of intimate photos without permission.