A tip is that the extra you pay in cash when you are in an establishment or to people who provide you a service, as a form of acknowledgment. Most of the time, it’s optional. However, one of the waiters decided to decline a tip of nearly R$3,000. Understand what is the complaint of the man who wanted more money.
Read more: Present receives R$15,500 in tip but couldn’t get it
This happened in a restaurant in Saint-Tropez, France. There, some popular restaurants charge a fee and set minimum reservation fees. It is a way to further select a file Client in institutions.
The waiter refuses a R$3,000 tip and it goes viral
A very unusual case occurred there and was reported in the newspaper “Nice Matin”. An Italian was having dinner at a restaurant restaurant The city and, in the end, left a tip of 500 euros, which is about R$ 3,000. Upon receiving this payment, which is very good for most people, the waiter simply refused the amount.
It doesn’t stop there! In addition to not wanting to accept the value that was low, according to him, the waiter kept making complaints until the customer got into his own car, which was already outside the facility.
He claimed that the tip was very low compared to the amount spent in the restaurant, considering the time and dedication to service to the client. The man got very nervous and said that it was right to get almost 1000 euros, which is 20% of the bill, which, according to the waiter, was a reasonable amount.
The situation was a warning about an ongoing complaint about the requirements of some restaurants in Saint-Tropez, with minimum expenses. In some cases, it reaches the equivalent of R$8,000 per person. There are records of families being “forced” to spend at least €100,000. Believe if you want!