The world’s youngest surviving premature baby celebrates his first birthday in the United States | Scientist

When Beth Hutchinson had health problems and delivered her baby at 21 weeks and 2 days pregnant, weighing just 340 grams, on June 5, 2020, doctors warned that she and her husband, Rick, should not expect him. .

Richard weighed only 340g at birth – Photo: Rick and Beth Hutchinson via Guinness World Records/Disclosure

It was 131 days premature, and so far, no baby in the world has survived after spending so little time in its mother’s womb.

But on June 5 this year Richard Scott and William Hutchinson celebrated his first birthday, certified in the Guinness Book of Records as the youngest premature baby alive.

Richard and his parents, Rick and Beth Hutchinson, with a Guinness World Record certificate – Photo: Rick and Beth Hutchinson via Guinness World Records / Disclosure

It broke a record of more than 30 years, surpassing Canadian James Elgin Gill, who was born on May 20, 1987, at 21 weeks and 5 days of gestation, or 128 days premature.

Richard broke a record over 30 years by surviving – Photo: Rick and Beth Hutchinson via Guinness World Records/Disclosure

A standard pregnancy lasts 40 weeks – Richard’s birth was due only in October.

Richard was released from hospital after a semester – Photo: Rick and Beth Hutchinson via Guinness World Records/Disclosure

Richard spent a semester in hospital, receiving daily visits from his parents, and was only released in early December, in time for his first Christmas at home.

He still needs tube help to breathe and feed, but according to his parents, he should get over these steps and start performing these actions on his own in some time.

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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