On the afternoon of Sunday (27), actor Tiago Abravanel pressed the pull button in BBB22. Soon, he addressed the confessional.
Before leaving, Abravanel warned: “It’s over for me.” The actor also said goodbye to every room in the house.
In a video released six weeks ago, BBB manager Boninho explained how it works: “This is the new button in the house. If the guy presses it, goodbye, it gets knocked down.”
Earlier, Abravanel said at the time of filming:
“As usual, my head is fried, several things, several ideas. Anyone who has been watching 24 hours must have seen some of the moves I made yesterday. Today is all about courage. I don’t know if I’ll get it, but I intend to.”
At the time of the surrender, the brothers were lying down and were frightened by the noise of sirens sounding throughout the house. Participants were surprised by Abravanil’s decision.
Arthur Aguiar started crying in the grunge room. “Sorry, T. Sorry,” he shouted.
The show’s direction has informed that Tiago Abravanel will not be replaced and the reality show will continue with existing participants. More details will be communicated by Tadeu Schmidt at the BBB, tonight.