Thiago Leverett I got angry at Phuk During the Monday match on strife (12). Presenter BBB21 He asked the singer who will not win the show. The artist once again tried to escape from the answer. “That’s not the way it works,” the Attraction Leader called out.
After regrouping the podium from the Grand Final, Clio’s brother had to hand over the loser’s mark to another competitor. When explaining his choice, try to avoid the weather. Referring to his differences with her, he said: “I will call the fight more than that.” Arthur Piccoli.
Leverett replied, “This is not the way, the question is who will not win.” “I understand, Thiago, but that’s what I can answer it,” Fuoc continued.
Annoyed by another “run” from the actor, the presenter complained about the situation. “No, that’s not the way it works, Phuk. I’m the one I apologize to you. The question is who won’t win. The last time, on Tuesday, I asked who was leaving, you didn’t want to answer,” he remembers. Brother replied, “That’s it, Tiago.”
“In a way you’re hoping Arthur won’t win, because of the battles I’ve fought,” Leverett added. “It’s very difficult for me to put the words in my mouth,” replied the singer, “but you can interpret them this way.” “I’ll put it next,” added Globo’s contractor. “You hope Arthur doesn’t win. He’s under siege, and you are, so you hope Arthur leaves.”
Check out the platforms
Arthur Piccoli picked Pocah second and Cayo Avion third, giving Juliet Freire the “not won” mark. The first time, he chose Brugotta and Carla Diaz
Fuoc chose Gilberto Nogueira as runners-up, Tais Brazs third, and gave Arthur Piccoli the “not won” mark. The first time he chose Karol Konka and Lumina Hallelujah
Thaís Braz picked Viih Tube second, Pocah ranked third, and awarded Caio Afiune a “no win” mark. The first time, she chose Pocah and Lumina Hallelujah.
Camilla de Lucas picked Joao Luiz Pedrosa second, Juliet Freire third, and gave Arthur Piccoli the “not won” mark. The first time, she chose Joao and Carla Diaz
Caio picked Afyon Arthur Piccoli for second place, Fei Tube for third, and gave Tay Praz the “no win” mark. The first time, he chose Rudolph Matthews and Sarah Andrade
Gilberto Nogueira picked Vioc second, João Luiz Pedrosa third, giving Pocah the “not winning” score. The first time, he chose Sarah Andrade and Juliet.
Juliette Freire picked Camilla de Lucas second, Fei Tube third, and gave Arthur Piccoli the “not won” mark. The first time, she chose Viih Tube and Gilberto Nogueira.
João Luiz Pedrosa picked Camilla de Lucas second and Thais Braz third, giving Pocah the “not winning” score. The first time, he chose Camilla and Carla Diaz
Pocah picked Arthur Piccoli second and Tais Braz third, giving Gilberto Nogueira the “no win” mark. The first time, Carol Konka and Tais Pooch picked them up
Vie Tube picked Thais Brazs second and Juliet Freire third, giving Arthur Piccoli the “not won” score. The first time, Juliet and Nego D.
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TIAGO termination information in a nationwide network. Tweet appreciation #
– Drii @ 🌵 (drik_ni) April 13, 2021
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