Moon and Mars together in the spiritual realm enhance Aries sign To expand your horizons and have fun, but be careful because of the Neptune tension. Avoid taking risks and organize your activities. At night, the harmony between the Moon and Uranus prepares you to exercise creativity.
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Lua and Marte together in the intimate sector plaza with Neptune in the Friendships plaza, indicating the importance of remembrance and eclecticism in companies for enjoying good moments. At night, it connects the harmonic moon with Uranus Taurus sign With the spiritual side of life.
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position of Gemini sign He becomes more cooperative with Lua and Mars united in the relationship sector, although Neptune’s tension warns the importance of not forcing a fast pace in the role or demanding reciprocity. Transmission of relaxation, as the trine of the moon and impending Uranus suggests.
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The Moon and Mars together inject energy and determination into Cancer sign Before the 2022 goals though, Neptune tension reminds us of the importance of keeping our feet on the ground, right?! Transfer perseverance to the General as the Moon soon enters the sector of relations and aligns with Uranus.
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desire lion sign To socialize with the Moon and Mars together, but be careful in displaying the selfie due to the tension of Neptune, and keep an eye on your physical and financial health. At night, the Moon in the daily sector forms a trio with Uranus, taking advantage of enjoying more moments at home.
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moods Virgo They can warm up in the house on the first day of 2022, and it’s good to contain your aggression to avoid confusing you with your audience, because the Moon and Mars are together in the square of the familiar region with Neptune. Try to make everyday life fun, as your impending Moon-Uranus trine indicates.
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Enthusiasm Libra sign It tends to generally hit the Moon and Mars together in the communicating sector, but don’t let that lack subtlety, because of Neptune’s tension. Appreciate cooperative actions and intimate pleasures, as the Moon and Uranus later chime in the circle of private life.
+ POV: You entered a time machine and found your 2022 version. character map of the year It’s exactly like that! Read for you here.
will power Scorpio sign It jumps at you with the union of the Moon and Mars, prompting you to act in order to fulfill your desires, although nervous Neptune warns against social folly. Network values for crowd fraternity, as suggested by the forthcoming Lua-Uranus trine.
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The Moon and Mars together are leaving Sagittarius Filled with energy on that first day of 2022, motivating you to stand even more determined and fearful, although the tension with Neptune demands caution. At night, the Moon in the physical zone is in harmony with Uranus, which gives its actions originality.
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On this first day of 2022, it is appropriate to reduce movements and the value of activities that help Capricorn sign To replenish energies, as the Moon and Mars together pass the crisis zone and are equated with Neptune. The night turned out to be fun with the harmony of the Moon and Uranus, providing opportunities for cultural entertainment.
+ POV: You entered a time machine and found your 2022 version. character map of the year It’s exactly like that! Read for you here.
to AquariusGroup entertainment is attractive on this first day of 2022 with the conjunction of the Moon and Mars in the realm of friendships, but be careful about your physical and financial health, right? There is Neptune tension! At night, intimate pleasures are formed with the symmetry of the Moon and Uranus.
+ POV: You entered a time machine and found your 2022 version. character map of the year It’s exactly like that! Read for you here.
benefit draw Pisces sign On this first day of 2022 with the conjunction of Lua-Marte in the work area, despite the tightening of Neptune, alerting the importance of attention to personal well-being. Pay attention and avoid illusions. At night, hanging out with the gang is fun with the Lua-Uranus trine.
+ POV: You entered a time machine and found your 2022 version. character map of the year It’s exactly like that! Read for you here.
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