Feelings still fluctuate in the face of tension involving the Moon, Mars and Neptune at the center of crisis and spirituality, impairing the awareness of Aries sign On issues that require a specific confrontation. Try to evaluate situations impartially and make sure that you get rest, which is essential to your well-being.
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Lua, Mars, and Neptune continue the tension between the house of friendships and the intimate one, revealing a conflict between the public and the private, a challenge that, if not managed well, can hurt Taurus sign. It is necessary to respect its boundaries, as well as to pay attention to personal matters awaiting work.
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Partnerships at school can be uneasy due to the tension involving Lua, Mars and Neptune in the labor relations sector, and then some nonsense can reach huge proportions in a day Gemini sign. Don’t let yourself be inflamed by what’s going on around you, as well as show serenity when facing complex challenges.
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Self confidence Cancer sign It can experience a strong vibration in this phase, characterized by tension involving the Moon, Mars, and Neptune between areas related to spirituality and everyday life. Events can get challenging, but avoid giving them too much weight by cultivating persistence and surrounding yourself with calm.
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Instincts appear intensely in the face of tension between the Moon, Mars, and Neptune in the hub of intimate entertainment, resulting in lion sign To throw himself headlong into momentary enjoyment. Use wisdom and awareness of risks and plan activities that do not jeopardize the budget.
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Lua, Marte, and Neptune continue the tension in the family relations sector, fueling conflicts with the public in everyday things. the Virgo He needs diplomacy to deal with people with strong temperaments, avoiding demands or even forcing a relationship. Show sympathy and solidarity.
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Sensitivity appears intensely with the appearance of the Moon, Mars and Neptune in the axis of daily contact, resulting in Libra sign To create achievement expectations that do not always correspond to reality. Talk about being highly reactive in the face of conflicts with the audience. Avoid idealism and give space to others.
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Lua and Neptune together in the social sphere awaken empathy in the relationship with the general, which can lead to Scorpio sign To prioritize the needs of others, even over their own. Be careful not to neglect your material and financial well-being, as Mars in the material zone warns and stresses the aforementioned pair.
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Emotional situations in family life appear with the tension of the Moon, Mars and Neptune between the domestic sector and Sagittarius, which opens room for confusion and makes day-to-day management more difficult. Try to develop serenity and respect for differences, as well as calm nerves in conflict situations.
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thinking of Capricorn sign Covered in autobiography with Lua and Neptune together in the communication sector, with direct reflection in the discourse. Don’t let managing responsibilities lack objectivity, as well as develop emotional self-control when dealing with any problems, as Marty warned of tension in a crisis zone.
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Emotional well-being can seek material support with Lua and Neptune together in the financial sector, which requires caution in spending, especially due to the impulsiveness of Aquarius It pops up in a perverse manner with the Mars pull of the indicated pair. Consider before spending, as well as cultivate social wisdom.
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Autonomous processes condense with Lua and Neptune together in Pisces sign, Nurturing reflections and creative thinking. Pay attention to responsibilities, so that goals and deadlines are not compromised, alerts the aforementioned spouse’s tension with Mars in the business sector.
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