Total formal job creation reached 306 thousand in February, an increase of 21.2% | Economy

Total formal job creation reached 306 thousand in February, an increase of 21.2% |  Economy

Business card, in file photo – Photo: Agência Brasília

Brazil was born, created 306.11 thousand official jobs In February this year, the Ministry of Labor and Employment reported on Wednesday (27).

In total, according to the federal government, the following were recorded in February:

  • 2.09 million employees;
  • 1.94 million layoffs.

The result represents an improvement compared to February of last year, when 252.49 thousand formal jobs were created (adjusted value).

Hey Growth reached 21.2% compared to the same month in 2023. This is the comparison that experts consider most appropriate.

Creating formal job opportunities in Brazil

Modified data

Source: Ministry of Labour

  • According to the Ministry of Labor, formal job generation is also the highest for February since 2022 – when 353.74 thousand formal jobs were opened.
  • In February 2020 and 2021, respectively, 217.26 thousand and 397.71 thousand formal jobs were opened.
  • Comparing the numbers to the years before 2020, according to analysts, is no longer appropriate, because the government changed the methodology.

According to the Ministry of Labour. 474.61 thousand formal job opportunities were created in the country in the first two months of this year.

The number represents An increase of 38.5% compared to the same period in 2023342.5 thousand formal job opportunities were created.

  • At the end of February 2024, according to official data, Brazil had a balance of 45.99 million formal jobs.
  • The result represents an increase compared to January of this year (45.69 million) and February 2023 (44.39 million).

Figures saved for February 2024 show that formal jobs were created in the five sectors of the economy. The highest absolute figure was in the services sector.

Jobs by sector

Vacancies will open in February 2024

Source: Ministry of Labour

The data also reveals that job vacancies were opened in all regions of the country last month.

Jobs by region

Vacancies created in February 2024

Source: Ministry of Labour

Average admission salary

The government also reported that The average admission salary was R$2,082.79 in February of this year, This represents a real decrease (after inflation) compared to January 2024 (R$2,133.21).

But compared to February 2023, there has been an increase in the average admission salary. In that month, the value was R$2,054.50.

Data from the Public Register of Employed and Unemployed persons consider those working on a formal contract, that is, they do not include informal workers.

As a result, the results are not comparable to unemployment figures released by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), which were collected through the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (Pnad).

Caged's figures are collected from companies and cover the private sector with a formal contract, while Pnad's data are obtained through household surveys and also cover the informal sector of the economy.

The unemployment rate reached 7.6% in the quarter ending in January

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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