“Treatment stops suffering,” says Garbin of eating disorders – 04/06/2021

“Treatment stops suffering,” says Garbin of eating disorders - 04/06/2021

In 2016, journalist Diana Garbin quit her job at Globo to devote herself exclusively to creating the “Eu Vejo” YouTube channel, which publishes videos about eating disorders, with the participation of health professionals and guests, as well as other projects, such as authoring his first book “Making Peace with the Body” “.

This was a brave move, not only to abandon the nodes with the network, but because talking about such a complex and sensitive topic is a huge challenge. “It’s a disease that carries a lot of shame and guilt,” she recalls. “I regretted it at first. In my naivety, I didn’t expect the bad comments and it hurt so bad.”

But after five years, it can be said that Daiana was a success. Not because it treats people through its content – this is only possible with the help of professionals: psychiatrists, psychologists, nutritionists – but precisely because, despite the difficult journey to calm, there are treatments that make it possible to stop the pain felt by those with disorders food.

Today, Diana is one of the voices, along with experts and influencers, of the ASTRAL (Brazilian Association of Eating Disorders) campaign who, with support from Instagram, discusses the myths and facts commonly associated with eating disorders in a series of videos, information cards and live discussions throughout the month of June.

The campaign specifically focuses on minorities, such as the LGBTQIA+ population, blacks, obese, and men (a minority in eating disorders).

“Every community has its differences and difficulties in accessing information and accessing treatment. For obese people, for example, sometimes symptoms are not investigated due to their weight. The idea of ​​the campaign is to highlight the distinctive characteristics of each group, bringing content to people who never see themselves In this information “says dietician Muriel H. Depin, an eating disorder specialist, member of the ASTRAL Technical Council and founder of Instagramobarrigapositiva.

The hottest social media filter

This “follow-up therapy” is the hot spot on the mental health agenda – and this trend is expected to grow. “It’s the story of starting to think about what makes sense to see on the timeline, if we’re following people who make us feel bad about ourselves,” says the nutrition expert.

Having an internal filter is necessary to protect yourself and not allow feelings of inadequacy to confuse your mind. “It’s important to stress that networks don’t make anyone have an eating disorder, but they can contribute to a disorder if the person is constantly comparing themselves,” Diana says.

While we end up consuming content that makes us feel nauseous, sometimes without even realizing it, it is possible to do the opposite in a conscious way. “We need to talk more about luxury and less about strict standards of beauty,” says the journalist. “The idea is to follow profiles with topics, topics with good influence, and content that makes people think differently.”

Does the road to recovery have an end?

“Today I feel healed, but the term psychiatrists use is ‘remission.’ I do believe in the path of healing. But it is important to talk about what it means: I don’t find my ideal body, but rather love and accept it as a good relationship with food, allowing myself to overeat. Food sometimes and to be okay, without punishing or blaming me. It’s not about perfection, it’s about acceptance,” says Diana.

The treatment, as mentioned earlier, is carried out by a multidisciplinary team and, through the journalist’s experience, the healthy way to stop the pain caused by eating disorders and restore quality of life for those who suffer from it.

As Muriel H. Depin explains, having dedicated professionals is essential. “This way, the patient can meet his demands and only in this way can the professionals properly talk about the condition among themselves,” he explains.

If you think you have symptoms of an eating disorder, such as an intense fear of gaining weight, sudden weight loss, guilt after eating, and isolation from friends and family, seek help. ASTRAL site موقع Explains how to request support in all regions of the country.

“For everyone who is going through this suffering, I want them to know that it is a legitimate feeling, and that it is worthy of medical treatment. Mental health should be treated the same way we treat a broken leg. As long as we treat it like scum and bullshit. People will continue to get sick and even lose their lives.” Diana says.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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