A video recorded in the Guaray language on the night of Sunday, May 26, shows a black pickup truck driving over costumed dancers who were working to move the track of the vehicle known as “carreta da joy.” The photo was recorded by a person who preferred to remain anonymous, specifically on Avenida Fortaleza, in the central area of the city.
It is possible to notice from the pictures that the characters were traveling on the roadbed and not on the pavement. Eyewitnesses reported that the truck driver, before throwing the vehicle towards the dancers, appeared to be quarreling with them. According to witness reports, fortunately no one was hurt. It was not possible to understand what led to this situation.
In addition to dancing to “carreta da joy”-inducing music, these costumed professionals are known to perform acrobatics during the car ride, including jumping. These movements use structures found along the road or the vehicle itself. In Brazil, especially in the interior of the country, this type of entertainment tends to attract many interested parties.
A very serious violation
According to the Brazilian Traffic Code (CTB), specifically Article 170, driving while threatening pedestrians on public roads is considered a very serious crime, with a fine of R$ 293.47 and immediate suspension of the right to drive. In addition, the retention of the vehicle and the acquisition of a national driving license (CNH), among other measures, apply as an administrative measure.