Trump confirms that the 2020 elections were rigged on Saturday – News

Trump confirms that the 2020 elections were rigged on Saturday – News

Former US President Donald Trump confirmed that the 2020 elections were rigged during Saturday, with members and affiliates of the Republican Party of New Hampshire, which is being promoted by CNN, in Donald Trump’s Town Hall, on Wednesday evening. – Friday (10).

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In addition to refusing to accept the result of the latest election, the businessman and former Republican primary candidate is under investigation for attempting to overturn the election result. Trump was too convicted, this Tuesday (9), charged with sexual assault and defamation against journalist Jean Carroll, a former columnist for Elle magazine. He will still have to pay $5 million (24.7 million R$) in compensation.

During Saturday, Trump discredited the 2020 election result several times, when he lost to Joe Biden, of the Democratic Party. “It was a rigged election. It’s a shame we have to go through this.”

After the 2021 invasion of the Capitol, Trump criticized Vice President Mike Pence for not moving to block the session analyzing the outcome of the US election, even calling him a “coward.” When asked about the episode, the preselection said he would not apologize.

He responded, “He did something wrong. He should have sent the votes back to the state houses. The result was different.”

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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