TV news “Fat is healthy”

TV news "Fat is healthy"

Roseanne Pinero She rebelled with Vinicius Patel when she found out he was making fun of her body and called her fat farm 14. In Hora do Faro (9) this Sunday, the presenter accused him of being afraid of the fat, called the participant “brocha” and demanded that he apologize to the other people he actually offended –The former farmer also made jokes about Jojo Todinho. “Gordo is fine,” replied the dancer.

In the registration dynamics, the omitted week put signs with positive and negative traits in the participants. She reacted badly to the video where Bateel made fun of her body. The former MTV channel said in a conversation that It would be impossible not to find it because of its size.

“The future is waiting for you, and you will be much worse than me. Not only in terms of aesthetics but in other matters. You will arrive in tatters, and you will have to ask a lot of forgiveness from people who have abolished the body, because fats are healthy,” she criticized.

The former pawn chose the signs of gossip, rude, aggressive, fatty, lazy, greedy, dishonest and asked Rodrigo Faro to create a new one with the word “brocha”. The announcer refused to repeat the word and justified her choices.

“Can you make a new one for me, just like me? This is his future. I’ve never had to take anything, dear. I want to see him reach 50 just like me. I haven’t even put on Botox,” the dancer joked.

Botel was speechless in negative words and stated that he had always been a fan of his former confinement classmate. “I’m still a little dumbfounded by what Rosie said. I’m wrong, but I’m trying to get it right. From the first contact, she was the one who impressed me the most. Rosie, I can’t help but apologize to you,” he defended himself.

Find out what’s happening at A Fazenda 14 with the podcast O Brasil Tá Vendo

Listen to “#93 – Deolane: The Favorite Farm 14 or the Villain?” on Spreaker.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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