Two Miley miracles in a row

Two Miley miracles in a row

Even possession Javier Miley (Photo) As President, December last year The last fiscal surplus in Argentina's public accounts occurred in August 2012, when Cristina Kirchner was in her second term as President.

In January of this year, the first full month of Miley's government, Argentina achieved a surplus of $589 million.

In February, Miley was able to repeat this feat. The positive result this time was even larger, amounting to 1.23 trillion pesos, or $1.45 billion.

Zeroing the public deficit is the main goal of the Miley administration, and to this end, the government has reviewed subsidies, halted public investments, worked to rebuild international reserves, removed the crisis of confidence among international investors, and sought to rebalance the exchange rate.

Commitment to public accounts is necessary to control inflation and attract new investment.

The two successive surpluses show that Miley is committed to achieving his goals, marking a break with the Peronist tradition of spending high and ignoring high inflation.

However, spending cuts tend to increase popular discontent.


A survey published by consultancy Zupan & Cordoba this weekend indicates that Miley has the approval of 42.7% of Argentines – a drop of 2.5 percentage points in one month.

The government has a positive image among 42.3% of those interviewed.

About 40% of the 1,600 people interviewed in the survey believe the cuts and adjustments in this first year of government will be worth it going forward.

The government was right to ban the use of inclusive language in its official communications, as for voters: a total of 53.2% somewhat or completely agreed with the current government's decision.

Other proposals were less acceptable, such as canceling the teacher incentive fund (65.9% disagreed with this) and Close Telamthe country's public television (57.2% disagree).

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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