UK and EU entangled in Irish ethics | International

UK and EU entangled in Irish ethics |  International

David Frost, the man who negotiated the final extension of Brexit with the European Union on behalf of Boris Johnson, warned this week in the upper house of the British Parliament that London and Brussels had not yet reached the “gin and tonic moment”. “We all know that turbulence increases when we leave. Only when you reach a travel height can you remove your seat belt and enjoy a gin and tonic and some peanuts. We are not there yet, but I hope we will get there, ”Frost explained to the dignitaries who are part of the EU Parliamentary Committee. Frost, the minister with the highest responsibility on Downing Street with his boss Michael Cove, is worried about the new phase, with a firm departure from UK social institutions. Covey will meet with European Commission Vice President Maros Shefkovic in London this Thursday to try again to defuse rising tensions in Northern Ireland. They both chair the Joint Withdrawal Contract Oversight Committee.

Despite its immediate repeal, the EU’s urgent decision to implement a security mechanism of Irish protocol to restrict the export of vaccines to the Republic ‘(social territory) north of the island (British territory) provoked the anger of all political parties, especially the DUP trade unionists. Habits and health restrictions were tense for several weeks before Brexit came to light. Graffiti appeared threatening Northern Irish and EU workers who imposed livestock and phytosanitary restrictions around the ports of Belfast and Lorne.

The autonomous government and the European Union temporarily withdrew their staff for security reasons, although they returned to their posts earlier this week. The damage, in any case, has already been done. Arlene Foster, the Northern Irish Prime Minister and Unionist leader, uttered harsh words against a protocol, never liking his creation, for which they felt betrayed by Downing Street. The price Johnson has to pay to reach his long-awaited Brexit deal by the end of 2019 is to allow Northern Ireland to stay in the EU customs position and in the domestic market. There will be no border between the two parts of the island to prevent the outbreak of violence as we have experienced for decades. In return, a new border between the United Kingdom and the European Union will be established in the Irish Sea. But the necessary physical tests will be carried out on the ground. It was those facilities that faced threats and neglect. They were not the work of former paramilitary forces, as promised by the Northern Irish Police, but they were enough to provoke nerves in London, Brussels, Belfast and Dublin.

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Downing Street took advantage of the hidden tension. Corey wrote a tough letter last week to his rival, Chefkov, seeking greater flexibility and a period of peace for certain business transactions, such as frozen meat, parcel services and medicines. “I was expecting a definite response, but the reaction has been much more negative than expected,” he said in the speech. “There has been shock and anger among all political parties, civil society and business organizations in Northern Ireland.” Cove asked Brussels for more hips, while Johnson set aside the gesture of power. “We will do everything we can to avoid sanctions in the Irish Sea, either with new laws or by launching Article 16 of the Code,” the Prime Minister told the General Assembly this Wednesday.

The British government has not gone as far as the DUP’s trade unionists, who are demanding the repeal of the protocol, but are taking advantage of the turbulent climate to fully review the agreement, which includes an extension of the offer period of June 2023. The Brussels and Dublin governments are far from ready to think. In an effort to preserve the trajectory, Sefkovic agreed to put his signature next to Goin’s signature, in which he promised to “continue to discuss the appropriate development of a protocol to safeguard the profits of the peace process.” [en Irlanda del Norte], Maintaining stability in the region and avoiding disruption to the daily lives of residents or a difficult border on the island of Ireland ”.

“The protocol is not working now, but we can make it work. There is no need to dissolve it to solve these problems,” Cove assured the Lords in his appearance on Monday. London and Brussels must find a complex solution that will calm the nerves of the trade unionists, who have negotiated for years and have not resolved the other side of the conflict. Respects the agreement: Sinn Fனின்in’s Northern Irish Republicans, while increasing barriers to trade with the United Kingdom, are working in support of their long-standing political aspirations for the idea of ​​reopening the border with other parts of Ireland.

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About the Author: Morton Obrien

"Reader. Infuriatingly humble travel enthusiast. Extreme food scholar. Writer. Communicator."

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