UK Annabelle appears to move her hand and head. Watch the video

UK Annabelle appears to move her hand and head. Watch the video

Surveillance cameras captured the alleged movement. Cloning / Social Networking

Paranormal activity may have occurred at my “haunted hotel” in England. Satellite surveillance cameras captured the moment the “Annabelle from the UK” doll appeared to move her head and hands. The video shows images taken on the afternoon of April 19.

'Annabelle from the UK' caught moving through security camera and scaring the web

Speaking to the UK's Cheshire Live channel, researcher Danny Moss said the recording represented a “special moment”. He has been analysing the doll for five years to prove the supernatural nature of the object.

The doll is stored at My Haunted Hotel in the UK – Image: Reproduction / Social Media

“There will always be skepticism when you talk about something supernatural,” he explains. “That’s true; but when you catch something like this, people need to accept that possibility.”

The expert points out that the way the ponce moves “defies gravity.” He adds that the transparent cube with chains in which the doll is trapped was made so that visitors cannot open the box or get close to the doll.


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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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