English police in the county of Warwickshire have taken the wave of motorcycle thefts seriously in recent times. Now they monitor it all from the sky, thanks to the help of a National Police Aviation Service aircraft.
Fight crime from the skies. This is a police tactic of the British government Warwickshire Accept and count National Police Aviation Service (NPAS). The aim of this initiative is to try to combat the high number of motorcycle thefts and various other crimes taking place in the region.

As we learned from our colleagues at MCN, the local police service used this aircraft on September 10 to hunt down two suspects involved in a motorcycle theft in the area. As Inspector Kris explains, this trend has become more common: “I assured people last week that we are implementing measures to resolve the current issue and asked for people’s support to find those responsible. We had a great response from local people and a member of the community called 999 immediately after seeing the bike stolen.
Aerial search for suspects is essential to find the thieves and then arrest them. While the duo were holed up in a house in the area, the police recovered the stolen quad bike.
Those arrested, a 17-year-old boy and a second 20-year-old man, have been charged with robbery and careless driving. We don’t know if this new aerial surveillance system can combat robbery in the area, but at least it’s a way to keep these types of criminals from going unnoticed.