Understand the risks of this practice

Lavar carne de frango: Entenda os riscos dessa prática

Care should be doubled for food, if it is not properly disinfected it causes diseases, however, there are some diseases in which cleaning with water leads to health problems, and one of them is washing raw chicken. When performing such work or rinsing in the sink, for example, with stains, you can contaminate the environment with bacteria that are in meat. They can fall into kitchen utensils or even other foods nearby. This is an old warning from experts on the subject, including regulatory agencies such as the USDA – the US Department of Agriculture – and the UK Food Standards Agency – which have reported the practice for a long time. and its risks.

To get an idea, for nearly 10 years this topic has already been discussed, as happened in 2013, when microbiologist Maria Theresa shed light on the truth when she shared an article in the “Fantástico” program on the subject. On that occasion I explained among these and other things about the diseases which they cause, “Chicken contains two main types of bacteria: Salmonella and Campylobacter. Can cause diarrheaThe second, he added, is the most dangerous of all, because in addition to diarrhea there is still a risk of autoimmune diseases.

In a recent interview with website O Globo, nutritionist who specializes in food safety Anna Carolina Valley, in addition to confirming the information, brings points about detoxing, “Healing will be with lighter medicine and food“The nutritionist explained and also advised that if symptoms persist, it is recommended to consult a doctor to avoid loss of nutrients and dehydration.

Spread by water and attention to other meat

Water, in addition to its ability to contaminate other surfaces and food, is still ineffective, according to experts, as instead of removing bacteria, it will aid in their reproduction and the loss of soluble nutrients. Other types of meat should also be taken care of, such as fish for example.

cleaning hands. (Photo: Reproduction/Franciel Motta/Archivo Journal de Oeste)

How to kill bacteria and care for your hands

It’s simple, just cook the chicken well! According to the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO). However, experts warn that even with great care and not washing the chicken, there are still risks of contamination. To avoid this, it is necessary to wash your hands thoroughly immediately after contact with raw meat, and it is recommended to do this for about 20 seconds, before touching anything else.

Featured image: raw chicken. Play / FreepikBR

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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