Unimed-BH joins the consortium for the vaccine movement

Unimed-BH joins the consortium for the vaccine movement

Since the beginning The COVID-19 pandemic, a Unimed-BH Several measures have been implemented aimed at helping the community. The cooperative has just joined The United Vaccine Movement, Which takes donations from the private sector to Brazilian municipalities that need inputs to implement the vaccination campaign.

On Friday (28), nine mining towns, which are part of the Belo Horizonte metropolitan area (RMBH), began receiving donated materials.

Unimed-BH provides six types of materials that will be sent to the municipal health secretariats at the borderAnd the IberiteAnd the calendarAnd the GuatubaAnd the FoxesAnd the UpstreamAnd the Capim BrancoAnd the Santana do Riacho e Sao Jose da Lapa, Which is part of the cooperative field of activity.

Among the items Thermal boxes From polyurethane, Sharps collection boxAnd the Temperature measuring instrumentsExpanded Polystyrene Coolers (Styrofoam), Light plastic With any pedalEyes paper towel.

According to Unimed-BH’s Chairman and Director, Samuel Flame, The motion proposal is in line with the principles of cooperation And with other measures that have been implemented since the beginning of the epidemic. “Caring for society is one of the principles that we follow as a cooperative institution and we believe that we can only overcome this epidemic through unifying efforts. Movement dialogues with our institutional directives come to complement our initiatives to support the community, which hundreds of people have already benefited from,” says Samuel Flam.

The CEO also stresses the importance of this movement. He declares, “Unimed-BH believes in the power of cooperation and has joined forces to reduce the number of infections in the entire population of Greater Bosnia and Herzegovina.”

Thanks to the donation of cooperating, collaborating and partner doctors, Unimed-BH and the Unimed-BH Institute have allocated 35 tons of basic food baskets and hygiene products to socially vulnerable communities in the metropolitan area of ​​Belo Horizonte, as well as donating bottles of alcohol in gel and masks to care institutions.

The cooperative also transferred the electronic counseling technology of the Coronavirus to Belo Horizonte, where it provided medical care to SUS users in the capital of Minas Gerais.

“It is our pleasure to monitor the significant participation of all companies and members of the movement. Only mass vaccination will help us out of this epidemiological situation that we are going through. But I am sure that we will succeed together,” highlights Patricia Tinsoli, coordinator of Unidos pela Vacina.


Unidos pela Vacina is a movement that brings together entities, companies, associations and NGOs, with the goal of making vaccination available to all Brazilians by September 2021. Through research, the project has identified the bottlenecks that 853 mining cities must successfully implement the vaccination process.

Today, more than 350 municipalities have already been adopted by the companies involved in the project. In Minas, Unidos pela Vacina is led by duo Rafael Menin, CEO of MRV, and Patricia Tinsoli, CEO of Total Logística and leader of Grupo Mulheres do Brasil MG. Businesswoman Luisa Helena Trajano is the leader of the Grupo Mulheres do Brasil and the nationwide movement.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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