According to the Department of Health and Social Security, 573 thousand 724 people over the age of 65, including health workers and nursing homes and those with long-term illnesses who have been vaccinated, have already completed treatment with two related injections.
The government plans to vaccinate all over the age of 50 and all vulnerable patients to Covit-19 by next April and then continue with the rest of the population until the country’s 55 million adult population is completed.
British health officials on Thursday announced 12,057 new positive cases and 454 deaths, bringing the total to 119,387 deaths from the onset of four million 83,242 infections and epidemics.
Statistics confirm the results of a study released this Thursday by Imperial College London and pollster Ipso Morris, in which the decline recorded in recent days is attributed to the impact of imprisonment that has been in effect since last January.
According to experts, it is still too early to know the incidence of vaccines in reducing infections.
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