United kingdom. Users suffering from the sequelae of Covid-19 are considering purchasing oxygen

United kingdom.  Users suffering from the sequelae of Covid-19 are considering purchasing oxygen

AndIn England, patients left with the consequences of Covid-19 are considering ‘buying their own oxygen’, as the number of people seeking help has doubled, according to data from charity Asthma and Lung UK revealed to Sky News.

The UK’s National Health Service (NHS) claims to have spent the equivalent of €260m on Covid-19 centers across the country, but some patients have reported having to wait months to be tested.

According to Asthma and Lung UK, in the past six months, nearly half a million people have consulted for advice about the coronavirus and called their helpline, with some people already in a “critical” condition.

The same source adds that the number of cases has practically doubled between September and March of this year, due to the spread of the micron variant in the country.

It is estimated, based on the latest data available from the Office for National Statistics, that 1.8 million people, or 2.8% of the UK population, had Covid-19 as of 3 April. Of this self-reported figure, 382,000 were infected or suspected to have had MERS in the past 12 weeks; 1.3 million think they got it in the lead up to 12 weeks; 791,000 at least one year ago and 235,000 more than two years ago.

It should be noted that fatigue is the most common symptom (51%), followed by shortness of breath (33%), loss of smell (26%), and problems concentrating (23%), by two-thirds, 1.2 million people. Explain that having one of these conditions prevents them from doing some or all of their usual activities.

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Some patients have asked for advice on how to buy their own oxygen to help with shortness of breath, which can be dangerous if not properly prescribed and monitored. Others say they are asking about access to private care because they cannot get help from the NHS.

It should be noted that in England, in March and April, 30% of people waited more than 15 weeks to be seen in Covid-19 clinics, information from the NHS, which does not reveal the total number still awaiting initial consultation.

Read also: Covid-19. Restrictions back in Australia? Morrison rules out the option

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