Google Photos ends Tuesday (1) with unlimited storage for photos and videos. However, the platform will continue to offer 15 GB for free and an additional 2 GB for users who have taken a security check. This change has already been planned since 2020.
For users who are beyond the limits of storing information in Gmail and Google Drive and want to stay on the Google service, they need to sign up for the paid service plan, which ranges from R$6.99 per month (100 GB) and $34,99 per month (2) TB ).
There are also storage services similar to the free plans, namely: OneDrive, from Microsoft, offers 5 GB for free and has paid plans from $9 per month (100 GB) to BRL 35 per month (6 TB), in the family plan and iCloud, from Apple, 5 Free gigabytes. The paid plans for the service range from R $ 3.50 a month (50 GB) to R $ 34.90 a month (2 TB).