the UOL فحص examinationfact-checking and clarification of the initiative UOLShe is now one of the signatories to the Code of Principles IFCN (International Fact-Checking Network), a global network of auditors. Sticking has been approved by the entity after verification of compliance analysis UOL فحص examination impartially and transparently.
IFCN was established in 2015 and is headquartered in the United States and has more than 100 verification initiatives around the world. They all follow the same thing Code of Principles, based on the following obligations: impartiality and fair treatment; Transparency about the sources consulted, the funding source, and the verification methodology; A clear corrective policy. evaluation UOL فحص examination public and accessible in this link.
By adhering to the IFCN Code of Principles, UOL فحص examination He joins fact-checking initiatives in the United States (Washington Post and PolitiFact), the United Kingdom (Full Fact), Spain ( and Argentina (Chequeado), as well as Brazilians Aos Fatos, Estadão Verizers and Lupa.
“entrance UOL فحص examination The IFCN is an international recognition of commitment UOL in combating disinformation in a transparent and balanced manner,” says Alexander Jimenez, Managing Director of News, Economy and TAB.
For Verdi Ozsoy, Director of Programs at IFCN, to join UOL فحص examination The organization’s Code of Principles promotes the fight against misinformation in Brazil.
“With its wide spread, the UOL فحص examination A great opportunity to spread the facts to large audiences all over Brazil. We believe that transparent, nonpartisan fact-checking can be a powerful tool for accountability journalism. the UOL فحص examination They have fulfilled all the principles and have internalized the IFCN Code of Principles to make it part of their daily work.”
Check method UOL فحص examination It can be accessed here. the UOL It is also part of Proof projectwhich brings together journalists from 40 Brazilian newsrooms in the fight against disinformation.