completely after Every public fight inside the headquarters in “farm“, Thiago Ramos production that They dropped out of the program. Recommended by the reality team to read the dispute guide. The rule states that the pawn must read the information and Confirm once again that you have no intention of staying at headquarters.
> The Farm: Tomas Costa and Thiago Ramos quarrel after a party

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Immediately after the fight, Thiago Ramos Production warned that it did not want to continue on the ground. Before that, she was already bothered before that. Pia Miranda, Tomas Costa, Lucas Santos, Perola Barreros, Moranguinho, Pele Melfloz And the Vinnie Patel They were already insisting that the model state was interested in her Dylan Bezira.
However, the fight with Thomas It made him lose a little patience. So he decided that he would not continue the dispute. wineAnd the Bruno And the kerlin Try to avoid the situation. But, nevertheless, he adhered to his decision and reinforced his request to leave.
“I don’t want to stay anymore, can you respect that? I don’t want to stay anymore, so I don’t want them to think about that word anymore. “I want to leave, brother,” he said.
Kerlin people, ha ha ha #farm pic.twitter.com/kidY6uzgQ5
– Central Reality #AFazenda14 (centralreality) September 17, 2022
After hours of notice, thiago He went outside and explained that he would have to wait for production to invite him to leave. Meanwhile, he was talking to Duolinwho explained his reason for turning away when he realized that the paradigm had magnified. “Look at you’re losing your mind. I’m so bad about it, man”ventilation.
After the fires of Hell began to subside, Dyolan sought Thiago to advise the boy.#AFZenda14 pic.twitter.com/ugIazH98ia
– #HITOU (@hitounaweb) September 17, 2022
At the time of publishing the agenda, the production of “Vazanda” has not yet been scheduled Thiago Ramos to leave the reality show. At the time of withdrawal, the house was notified by Ingrid O’HaraWho listened to the pawn’s request for production.
Ingrid said that Thiago hit the bell to give up #farm | #AFZenda14 pic.twitter.com/qnDbGwWscs
– (adrielletuitta) September 17, 2022
who takes place Tiago Ramos after withdrawing from “Vazanda”?
with withdrawal Thiago Ramos From the program, a new pawn will enter the fray. For those who don’t remember, Adrien Galistio He said that the participants who were in Store will stay Suspension In the event of withdrawal or expulsion.
Therefore, the other participants who have not yet entered victory Pia MirandaAnd the Andre Santos, Claudia Baronesa, MC Crowe And the Suzy Sasaki You should be summoned to enter the Farm now. However, the decision order has not been communicated before TV recording.
However, if you follow the percentage, Baroness It should be the new pawn that will be in the cast “Farm 14”since she won second place in the poll, with 36.54% of public votes.
BIA MIRANDAAAA is the new PEOA for headquarters # new pic.twitter.com/oyqXnp2aig
– farm (afazendarecord) September 16, 2022
Vote: Which farmer will Lucas refer to in the first section of “A Fazenda 14”
Even if I was in the first week of confinement, this crap wasn’t missing from the new reality cast. Therefore, the planning of strategies for . has already begun Roca’s first formation of the seasonWhich will take place next Tuesday (20).
Lucasthe new FarmerIt was previously suggested can indicate Deborah to me The first rock of reality. In addition, with the responsibilities that the position of a farmer confers on the pawn, it is possible to imagine what a participant can often cause a conflict.
Moreover, it is worth remembering that Melfloz pellet It will also be fortified next to FarmerOnce The two completed the test together. In other words, the number of pawns that could be voted on became less.
a POPline Covering everything that happens in the new season of “farm”. Stay tuned so you don’t miss a thing!
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