Verbal Chess Podcast #280 – About the Pacific, Europe and Attila #50

Xadrez Verbal Podcast #280 - Giro pelo Pacífico, pela Europa e Atila #50

In the second program for 2022, we followed the latest developments in the Pacific Basin, such as the oil spill in Peru and the presidential inauguration in Honduras. We tour Europe and the post-Soviet space, with elections in Portugal and the latest on Ukraine. In epidemic news with Atila Iamarino we talk about case records and variants. In addition to all of that, we go around the world, the week in history, walkers of the week and cultural tips that unlock another year of your international political magazine in podcast format!

You do not always have time, but you need to understand what is happening in the world, especially since the planet is a region. Each week, Matthias Pinto and Felipe Figueiredo bring you the main news of international politics, with analysis, criticism, guests and space for discussion. Every Friday you update and educate yourself.


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Verbal Chess International Politics Magazine is made in Central 3And It is on support

Felipe Figueiredo Interpreter, Student, Teach and (IR) Responsible for Verbal Chess. He graduated in history from the University of São Paulo, without claiming to describe himself as a historian. Interested in politics, current affairs, sports, food, music and Batman.
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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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